Deciding how much to spend on marketing is crucial for business growth, but there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Our Marketing Budget Calculator helps you estimate the ideal marketing budget based on your revenue and goals.
Get My Marketing ProposalMost business owners and entrepreneurs have asked this same question. While you will find varying opinions on the matter, there is no all-inclusive one size fits all model for every company. However, we can offer you a pretty good guide as a rule of thumb.
Using the widely recommended percentage-of-revenue model, this tool calculates your marketing budget by applying a percentage of your gross revenue. The cross-industry average for a marketing budget is 8% of gross revenue, however, a minimum of 12% is recommended for rapid growth. You can also explore options for more conservative spending at 5% (only recommended for maintaining current status) or more aggressive growth strategies at 15% to 20%.
This calculator isn’t just about percentages. While the revenue-based approach is a great starting point, every business is unique. Factors like your industry, growth stage, competition, and specific goals can influence how much you should invest.
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